
I'll see you soon, then.

Six weeks have passed.
Reviewing the blogs I wrote and the days we had together, suddenly, words like "how time flies" seems almost unnecessary. Because every detail of life here is so delightful.

Have you remembered the first day?The name matching game?
Today, if I just speak out your name, don't be strange. I just want to call out your name once again and  deeply make mental notes of them.

Have you remembered every morning we spent with Carrie? Still remembered what was it like when we got up at 8:50?
Don't need to try eating one more piece of the little sausage before  leaving the dining hall. We don't have class today! And remember not to rush out from your  house in China, yelling "OMG!I'll be late for Carrie's class!"

Have you remembered  the stars and moon we saw on Tuesday night?
It's a full moon tonight, which makes me think of you. Because I know that no matter where I am, this moon will be the same size as yours, though a long distance away.

I've imagined what life will  look like when returning home. The things will settle back into their traditional rhythms season after season. And are much as they have always been. The  friends we met here will gradually be strangers again as if  we have never chatted or had class with each other. Only the time we spent together here will  be deposited and treasured  in our memory forever.

Time to finally come back home,
Time to share wonderful things with family,
Time to say goodbye.
The problem with time, I've learned whether it's the first time to know your name or those six weeks I got to spend with you or the farewell party .
Eventually, time always runs out.
I'll have no idea about most of you , where you are out there in the world.

No matter how many years go by, I know one thing is true as it always was, "I'LL SEE YOU SOON , THEN."

Maybe someday in the distant future, we could bump into each other on our trail to dream, smile into each other's eyes and say "You look familiar, where did I see you?"

Get back on my track--------The Taste of China

  When I caught sight of  “Taste of China”, I just screamed. It was the perfect  place and it is where I had lunch with Dear Carrie, Monica and Joy today. 
Approaching it, my eyes were mesmerized by the decorated red lanterns and paper-cuts. The feeling of home and family was suddenly rising and burning  in my mind.  So strong that I  nearly burst into tears.  I had to say, in all the years living in China, I never had such a feeling toward the Chinese food before. In all, the food in China was full of repeated rhythms and patterns so that I almost neglected its beauty and tasty flavor . 

It was a shock how quickly you have to move to a new place before you realize what you are missing.  Luckily, compared with my friends,  I thought I was quite used to the food here. One thing to mention, when  my friends  complain about the food, I savor it delightfully with a good appetite. Fresh vegetables, fruits, and yogurts are all my dishes. But when it comes to Chinese food, nothing seems to matter any more. And everyone seemed to see the opening today.

When I finally saw the dishes we ordered, my eyes widened just like the feeling  the lion king Simba had when he saw the spectacular view of his hometown again.
 All the food was delicately placed and served in pure white china dishes. Carrie watched them just like people appreciated the precious collections in the art gallery. She finally decided to try them which in her words is "to destroy its perfection and beauty". The way she wiped her hands and the forks was just like what the  pilgrim did before paying respect for Buddha.  She mulled the first piece over and over again. The fragrance just soundlessly slipped out.

I suddenly realized that each time I enter a new world or lose something, I always gain some new awareness of the beauty and deeper meanings of what I previously have, sensing its uniqueness and perfection in some ways. Just as someone famous once said, "Pain comes from Comparing". However, what I'd like  to say is that  it is when comparing the new and the old that you find where your heart really belongs . You will be particularly  pleased by it when coming back to the old again. If we cannot go back any more,  such memory you treasure forever  is  enough.

For the food, I  AM LUCKY!  I can come back!
But for others, who knows, I hope so.


My lovely teacher-----------Hope you a pleasant trip back

Waving goodbye to our leading teacher, I really couldn't hide the feeling of  parting from her.  
      It was always sunny these days. Strangely,the sky was getting darker and the clouds became  lower and heavier. It was going to rain.

         Thanks to our leading teacher and also to wish her a pleasant trip back to China, we held a farewell party for her at York side Pizza.  This was also the first meeting time for the two representatives of my university (ELI & YSS) . Hearing about this information,
all of the team members came here without hesitation even though some of them already made appointments to do something else. One of my teammates didn't eat pizza at all at home. However, as soon as the dish settled on the table, even she couldn't help eating a piece.

We are fated to meet each other! 
Life is always like a dinner. Some people will be with us for a long time, while others only for a short time. It's the regular pattern.  Don't be grieved about that. Just cherish the people around you right here and right now!


NEW YORK Chapter 2

1、The Circle Boat Travelling
Life is just like the circle boat traveling , you start your journey with a  fully delighted heart, you compete with others, you fulfill yourself, you head towards the destination and the dream, regardless of its scenery along the road , you murmur to yourself many times to save time, to rush,  however, youll find yourself right at the starting point , after the long long journey. The journey itself doesnt change, what  changes is your angle of life.
 2、The Statue of Liberty
Liberty is right there, on the island, silently, seems like she cant be found . Yet, you can see the bridge connected to her. Obviously, to  find liberty, you have to be really keen and struggling.
 3、The "handmade" coin
 Flattening  the souvenir coin myself after failing several times, something just popped into my head. The coin,  punched from sheet metal, rimmed and beveled,  stamped and cleaned. Life just like a coin. 

4、The Empire State Building 
It was really awesome, standing on the 86th floor of the Empire State Building and having a bird's-eye view of the New York City .  Thrilling in the clear cold breeze, screaming  towards the last light of the setting sun, I was really excited. There was a blazing orange, setting fire to the clouds on the horizon. At the final moment, the sun sank down. Suddenlythe clouds bloomed into pink and purple. At nearly the same time,  the whole city was unexpectedly lightened up by various of neons .  And the city made a sharp relief against the totally dark background. Out of nowhere, the feeling came back in my mind , which is " the higher you get , the more amazed you are by the view".

5、The Metropolitan Museum of Art

"Art is long, but time is fleeting. " I couldn't tell you when I became addicted to ART. But when I realized , I had already  fallen in love with it. When I try to describe it, images come into my mind: the colorful and delicate window of Tiffany,  

the shining golden steel armor, 

the European traditional sculptures,

 the set of paintings telling about the story of the birth of Jesus,
 the elegantly placed  classic piano and harps, 

the glass roof of the hall. 
 And there is  no pain that art cannot assuage. Just like medicine, cutting through the noise and struggles, healing and cleaning the wound with poetry, picture or music, a miracle happens. The wound gradually teaches itself to heal through art. 


Making Chinese Delicious food

"You only know it's good when you leave home." This song keeps ringing in my ears when I strongly miss the 
traditional Chinese food, as many friends do. And tonight my wish really has come
of us went to one of our friends' rented apartment and cooked Chinese food which freed our stomach
a lot.  

Preparing for the dinner
You can imagine the scene of 16 people getting into a small apartment. We opened all the windows in the room but it was still so stifling that  I could hardly breathe, and I was not doing anything at that time. Without hesitation, we couldn't wait any longer but to start preparing for our much sought-after delicious dinner.

The boiled tomato beef brisket made by myself
  My mother is really good at making dishes and I usually watch and learn from her secretly.
So you see, tonight  is just the right  time for me to show my capacity and  I decided to choose to cook the Tomato Beef Brisket . After salting the beef for 15 minutes, I started to boil the beef and the tomato together upon the stove. As the cooker in the  apartment is really limited,  I planned to make my own dishes according to the present  sauces.  I looked after my dish with cautious eyes , sweat streaming down my neck.  I  uncovered the pot  every few minutes, looking at the pot's state, smelling and taking out a piece, tasting to judge whether it was cooked .
After nearly 2 hours of hard work, the dish  finally came out. Looks nice, doesn't it?

Memorize the excited moment  

All the delicious food

NEW YORK Chapter 1 -------amazing weekends

NY is a city full of hope, possibility, vigor just as the splendid sun . People living here have to treasure every second  to survive. They try their utmost to be competitive, to get ahead, to make money, to acquire possessions.  However, when the Manhattanhenge came, they just freed their heart and leisurely soaked their heart in the fantastic natural phenomena. They were walking towards the sun.

This  huge city is just like a machine operating at high speed. It can be drawn for merely a piece of paper. The  possibility happens among each avenue and street when you take a hurtling subway to your destination.

As dinosaurs were once the king of the earth, New Yorkers strive for the best in every walk of life. They are a peculiar people. They work like mad, then give away much of what they earn. They own what is called by the world------the best things. 

NY is a city never falling to asleep from dawn to dusk. It's a place for people to daydream.It's a place for people  to make their dream come true . It's a place running up even at night. NY bears the weight of so many people's dreams who come from all over the world. Whether white  or black, whether rich or poor, whether male or female, whether native or foreign, you can make a world by your hands and brains in NY.


Life Of Daffodils

The Daffodils
 When the sunset slants down
 Pink and  Purple
 Just like
 Rosy cheeks
 Red lips
 Of an Asian girl

 The dewdrop
 Like pearls
 Never to be found again

The leaves of the Daffodils
 By its fullest energy
 As if
 Everyday is
 The extraordinary
 The final
 Summer and Winter
 No matter
 The weather